SK-268 Wooden church of St. Michael the Archangel in Inovce

Rustic buildings, according to historical records, relocated from the village Baškovce in 1836. Reportedly built back in the Middle Ages.

Drevený kostolík sv. Michala Archanjela v Inovciach
  • Categories:
    Church Landmarks ( C )
  • Region:
    Východné Slovensko ( VSL )
  • Administrative division:
    Okres Sobrance / Košický kraj / Slovensko
  • GPS:
    48°49'30.03"N, 22°21'25.64"E
  • Nadmořská výška:
    502 m
0.60 €
Drevený kostolík sv. Michala Archanjela v Inovciach
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