DE-79 The Bulnheim court in Seifhennersdorf

Façade design from around 1750 is a unique specimen of upper Lusatian engineering. Used for events and Karásek's natural market.

Bulnheimscher Hof in Seifhennersdorf
  • Categories:
    Folk Architecture ( LA )
  • Region:
    Labské pískovce a Lužické hory ( LLH )
  • Administrative division:
    Landkreis Görlitz / Land Sachsen / Německo
  • GPS:
    50°56'6.662"N, 14°36'26.172"E
  • Phone:
    +49 3586 45150
0.60 €
Bulnheimscher Hof in Seifhennersdorf
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