SK-379 Medieval Hussite Church in Lúčka

Remains of a fortified sanctuary which in the 15th century served as a fortress for troops of Jan Jiskra of Brandysa. The creation of this early Gothic building dates back to the 13th century.

Stredoveký husitský kostol v Lúčke
  • Categories:
    Church Landmarks ( C )
  • Region:
    Slovenské rudohorie ( SLR )
  • Administrative division:
    Okres Rožňava / Košický kraj / Slovensko
  • GPS:
    48°38'22.21"N, 20°43'31.31"E
  • Nadmořská výška:
    595 m
0.60 €
Stredoveký husitský kostol v Lúčke
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