CZ-968 Stožec Chapel

Pilgrimage Chapel of Virgin Mary near the healing source, restored in 1988, demonstration of folk carving. The main pilgrimage takes place on the first Sunday after August 14.

Stožecká kaple
  • Categories:
    Church Landmarks ( C )
  • Region:
    Šumava a Bavorský les ( ŠBL )
  • Administrative division:
    Okres Prachatice / Jihočeský kraj / Česká republika
  • GPS:
    48°52'27.17"N, 13°49'21.807"E
  • Nadmořská výška:
    960 m
  • WWW:
  • Phone:
    +420 388 335 014
0.50 € / 12 Kč
Stožecká kaple
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