SK-1348 Statue of Ľudovít Winter in Piešťany

Tribute to the visionary builder of the famous Piešťany Spa and creator of its world-famous name. Winter came to life under the hands of sculptor R. R. Hrčka.

Socha Ľudovíta Wintera v Piešťanoch
  • Categories:
    Memorials ( PM )
  • Region:
    Podunajská nížina a Malé Karpaty ( DMK )
  • Administrative division:
    Okres Piešťany / Trnavský kraj / Slovensko
  • GPS:
    48°35'17.59"N, 17°50'23.63"E
0.60 €
Socha Ľudovíta Wintera v Piešťanoch
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