CZ-3421 Prachatice museum

Exhibition of the history of the town, the Golden Salt merchant route and life of St. John Nepomucene Neumann. Established in 1904, and since 1946 it has its position in the Žďárský house.

Prachatické muzeum
  • Categories:
    Exhibitions and Museums ( E )
  • Region:
    Šumava a Bavorský les ( ŠBL )
  • Administrative division:
    Okres Prachatice / Jihočeský kraj / Česká republika
  • GPS:
    49°00'47.78"N, 13°59'54.51"E
  • Nadmořská výška:
    550 m
  • WWW:
  • Phone:
    +420 388 311 419
0.50 € / 12 Kč
Prachatické muzeum
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