CZ-700 Macocha

The biggest chasm in Central Europe was created as a result of the collapse of the cave roof, 138 m deep. According to a legend from the 17th century, it is named after an unhappy stepmother (in Czech "macecha")

  • Categories:
    Natural Attractions ( PZ )
  • Region:
    Brněnsko a Drahanská vrchovina ( BDv )
  • Administrative division:
    Okres Blansko / Jihomoravský kraj / Česká republika
  • GPS:
    49°22'23"N, 16°43'47"E
  • Nadmořská výška:
    480 m
  • WWW:
  • Phone:
    +420 516 413 575
0.50 € / 12 Kč
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