F-165 Karel Hynek Mácha

(*16 November 1810 - †6 November 1836) Genius and romantic poet whose work was ahead of his time. As a pilgrim, he searched for ruins of lonely castles and was inspired by natural scenery. His lyrical, epic composition “May” is a basic pillar of modern Czech poetry. Mach's work is stylized by his life and his life is stylized by his work. "Hynek! William!! Jarmila!!!"

Karel Hynek Mácha
  • Country:
    Česká republika
  • GPS:
    50°32'20.548"N, 14°43'11.607"E
  • Série:
    Kdo byl kdo (CZ)
  • Číslo v sérii:
  • Technical specifications:

    laminovaná samolepka, 4 výseky, rozdělená do 5 polí, rozměr 5 × 13 cm

0.60 € / 15 Kč
Karel Hynek Mácha
Selling points