F-444 Hřensko Gorges

The gorges on the Kamenice River were long a significant obstacle which the inhabitants of the municipalities of Mezná and Vysoká Lípa had to overcome on their way to church in Růžová. The river also served as a source of sustenance; fishermen caught trout and salmon in it and lumberjacks used it to float timber. It was only at the end of the 19th century that the Kamenice was explored and the tradition of using the gorges for hiking was established thanks to the efforts of Prince Edmund Clary-Aldringen. The ca 500 m long Edmund Gorge (Silent Gorge) was opened in 1890, followed by the Wild Gorge in 1898.

Hřensko Gorges
  • Country:
    Česká republika
  • GPS:
    50°52'12.686"N, 14°16'56.401"E
  • Série:
    Pohledy do minulosti (CZ)
  • Číslo v sérii:
  • Technical specifications:

    laminovaná samolepka, 4 výseky, rozdělená do 5 polí, rozměr 5 × 13 cm

0.60 € / 15 Kč
Hřensko Gorges
Selling points