F-217 Heinrich Mattoni

(*11 August 1830 - †14 May 1910) Founder of one of the most famous mineral water brands, visionary and supporter of new technologies. He became the importer of mineral water to the imperial and royal court in Vienna. In 1873 he founded the Mattoni company, which he headed for 57 years. A red eagle, the Mattoni family crest, adorns mineral water labels to this day.

Heinrich Mattoni
  • Country:
    Česká republika
  • Série:
    Kdo byl kdo (CZ)
  • Číslo v sérii:
  • Technical specifications:

    laminovaná samolepka, 4 výseky, rozdělená do 5 polí, rozměr 5 × 13 cm

0.60 € / 15 Kč
Heinrich Mattoni
Selling points