F-513 Christoph von Gendorf

(*5.8.1497 - †6.8.1563) The Supreme Hauptmann in the Czech Kingdom and the Lord of Vrchlabí. He was respected as the leading mining expert of his day and he was inherently associated with the golden era of Giant Mountain mining. He was a modern person for his day and made significant contributions to reforms in the areas of mining and coin minting.

Christoph von Gendorf
  • Country:
    Česká republika
  • Série:
    Kdo byl kdo (CZ)
  • Číslo v sérii:
  • Technical specifications:

    laminovaná samolepka, 4 výseky, rozdělená do 5 polí, rozměr 5 × 13 cm

0.60 € / 15 Kč
Christoph von Gendorf
Selling points