F-231 Bohuslav Martinů

(*8 December 1890 - †8 August 1959) World-famous composer, born in the church tower in Polička. This unusual home contributed to his very imaginative perception of music. He was inspired by various musical and non-musical currents. The ballet Špalíček, the comic opera Comedy on the Bridge, the dream opera Juliette, the cantata The Opening of the Wells, and the operas The Greek Passion and The Miracles of Mary were a success.

Bohuslav Martinů
  • Country:
    Česká republika
  • Série:
    Kdo byl kdo (CZ)
  • Číslo v sérii:
  • Technical specifications:

    laminovaná samolepka, 4 výseky, rozdělená do 5 polí, rozměr 5 × 13 cm

0.60 € / 15 Kč
Bohuslav Martinů
Selling points